Our Team

Debra North

Debra North

Approved Provider

Having been involved in education for the past 27 years, I feel very strongly about the value of the Early Years Sector and the importance of children learning in a warm, secure and encouraging environment. I see children as unique and capable learners and I work consistently with our specifically chosen educators and teachers to ensure quality educational programs are being delivered in a secure and engaging early childhood setting.

We continuously reflect on our programs and strive towards being a centre of excellence each and every day. Our role here is not just to facilitate the traditional play based learning associated with Early Education but we are also here to assist the children in developing essential ‘life skills’ such as problem solving, development of logic and reasoning and social skills. We value the long term relationships that we have with our families and the local community; it is such a joy to share in your child’s journey and we take this role seriously. I look forward to meeting with you personally at the centre and introducing you to our amazing team. You are welcome to visit us at any time, view our exceptional programs in action and meet our quality educators.